fuck it.
Several years ago some fucktard posted a blurry picture of his trophy wife with her tits hanging out next to his Jag.
I found the photo on the internet with no references and re-posted it.
He’s hired some bunch of lawyers to try and milk me for $$$$ because I “violated his copyrights”.
I don’t have time for this shit. I was just trying to educate and entertain some folks while maybe drawing attention to some really good artists you haven’t heard of.
Internet has changed. Cowboys changed into sharks. Times have been nicer. More laid back. Keep cool. Succes!
Don’t know his name, it was some fucking legal blackmail horseshit from a group of German attorneys. I told them to fuck off.
But I’m on sabbatical, that and some other general assholery just killed my interest in dedicating time to this blog for awhile.
I’ve got bikes to work on.
Sadly this is now the way of the world, lowlife scuzztwats are trying to shake $$$$$$ out of everyone else, surely you cannot copyright your likeness as it is in common domain, if the posters do not disable the right click function to stop image saving then they are not protecting their so called copyright? They are ‘saying’ “help yourself” in essence. I would donate to your defence fund if you need one. Good luck.
….wish i had something clever to say…….joke ’em if they can’t take a phucque…..
You should post his name, address and phone number so we can all call or send a letter and thank him.
Once something is posted on the web it becomes public domain, unless a copyright disclaimer is attached. I don’t think dude has a case. Don’t sweat it.
What do you expect from somebody who drives a jag.
I get this shit all the time! They ONLY have a case against you IF you have laid claim to said photo (that you took it and that it’s your intellectual property) and/or that you have made a profit from said photo. The burden of proof is on the accuser. Once its on the internet, its fair game. If he is so damn possessive of the photo, he should of slapped a watermark across the top of it.